This has a few pages following this one, they each contain a form you can print an use for signing up to the American Legion, renewals and transfers. Or you can click on the link for the new membership form. { LINK }
1. This page with instructions.
2. Form to sign up with the American Legion. Open Control P, Print { LINK }
3. Transfer form to move from one post to another post. { to be supplied }
4. Renewal using American Legion Main site. { LINK }
5. Signing up for PUFL (Paid up for life) { LINK }
6. American Legion Post 316 Expense Form { LINK }
Go to the correct link then when it finishes loading, do a Control/P and print out the form. Fill it in and then mail it to the Woodstock, Ga Post 316. Mail address follows. Unless your on the main site to renew, then enter data, and using credit card pay, then print the receipt an mail it to commander at following address.
American Legion Post 316
PO Box 496
Woodstock, GA 30188