American Legion Post 316
Scholarship Award
Scholarship Requirements
- All Applications must be completed on typewriter or word processor.
- Applicant must be a child or grandchild of a Veteran of military service who is or was a member of the American Legion Post 316 South Cherokee County.
- Applicant must be a graduating High School senior.
- Academic requirements include students accumulated grade point average (GPA), class ranking and standardized test scores (SAT). Official records must be furnished.
- Applicant must have participation in school and community activities.
- This award is to be given on the basis of Academic Scholarship in core “only” subjects on 4.0 basis.
- Applicant must have transcript of grades. Transcript must be official document from High School and in a sealed envelope.
- One Scholarship will be awarded of $.
- Applications must be received by April 1, of the current year.
- Applicant must have an endorsement from the High School Principal.
- Winner of Scholarship must contact Scholarship Committee by August 1st with notification of College they will attend. Check will be made to College to be applied to applicant’s account
- Applications must be mailed to:
American Legion Post 316
Attention: Post Scholarship Award Program
PO Box 496
Woodstock, Georgia 30189